Too many day labourers wandering around, did not feel safe leaving my truck unattended.
In store: I always struggle to get an associate to actually help me thoroughly with all I need for a project.On the phone: I have currently been on hold for a total of 2 hours with 5 different calls, also, I have been hung up on 3 times right off hold (I didnt even have time to say hello). I have a very simple questions about how soon installation of floors can occur after the measurement that Home Depot requires. This is a question I need to ask this specific Home Depot as it is the closest one to where I would like the service performed. At this rate, Ill have to ask another Home Depot to do it since they cant seem to actually answer the phone for 5 short minutes to answer a simple question like this.
Seems to be a cool place shes always have quite a bit of stuff on the show a very few things that you have to order
I was assisted by a employee named Tia who had way to much attitude to be working at a customer service counter. She ended up needing assistance herself to help me and the ordeal took much longer than it should have.
Excellent service
A huge market with a crazy assortment, but I didn’t find what I came for, but I bought the equipment I needed for my household... I was a little stupefied by the amount of goods. I realized that it is better to order on Amazon